2024 AGM

Event information

This event has passed.

The Harlies Hockey Club 2024 AGM is being held on Saturday, 14th September at our Breckler Park clubrooms.  The AGM will commence at 6.00pm sharp. 


  • AGMAgenda_2024.pdf  - the notice and agenda for the 2024 (A)nnual (G)eneral (M)eeting of Harlies Hockey Club.
  • Harlies-General Meeting Voting & Proxies.pdf - general meeting voting procedures and appointment of proxies.  Members may appoint another member as a proxy for the General Meeting by completing the "Appointment of Proxy for a General Meeting" form and providing to the Club prior to the meeting commencing. IMPORTANT ( ) If you are unfinancial are not eligible to vote at the AGM.  Please contact registrar@harlies.org.au if you are unsure about your financial status.
  • Harlies-Nomination for Committee Position.pdf - a nomination form for Committee positions.  All committee positions are vacant.  Nominations are to be forwarded to the Secretary (either PO Box 3029 Yokine WA 6060 or secretary@harlies.org.au) no later than 07/09/2024.
  • AGMMinutes_2023.pdf - the minutes of last year's Annual General Meeting.




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